

1)    Conditions for separability in multiqubit systems with an accelerating qubit using a conditional entropy

Harsha Miriam Reji, Hemant S. Hegde, and  R. Prabhu

Physics Review A, Vol. 110, 032403 (2024)

Links: Journal and  arxiv 


2)     Shareability of Quantum Correlations in a Many-Body Spin System with Two- and Three-Body Interactions 

P. Kiran, Hemant Shreepad Hegde, Harsha Miriam Reji, and  R. Prabhu

Physical Review A, Vol. 109, 032423 (2024) 

Links: Journal and  arxiv 

3)     Continuous-wave pumped dispersion-compensated ultrashort-pulse doubly resonant oscillator studies

Himani Sharma, Rojalin Padhi, and Kavita Devi

Physica Scripta 99,  025523 (2024).


4)     Performance optimization of ETL-free bifacial perovskite solar cells for flexible devices: A simulation study

N. K. Sinha, P. Roy, D.S. Ghosh, A. Khare

Next Energy 4, 100143, (2024)



5)     Highly efficient, low-cost, lead-free bifacial perovskite solar cells: A designing strategy through simulation

N. K. Sinha, D.S. Ghosh, A. Khare

Next Materials 4, 100219, (2024)


6)     Kitchen-grade aluminium foil as dual-purpose substrate-cum-electrode for ultrathin, ultralight, and bendable perovskite solar cells

A. Kumar, S. Rani, D. S. Ghosh

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 268, 112737 (2024)



7)     Fabrication of Highly Efficient and Ambient Stable Planar MAPbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells via Defect Passivation through Crosslinking Strategy

T. Das, A. Kumar, S. Rani, A. Guchhait, D. S. Ghosh

Advanced Engineering Materials 26 (8), 2302078 (2024)


8)     Figure-of-merit for assessment of semitransparent solar cells

A. Kumar, S. Rani, D.S. Ghosh 

Journal of Photonics for Energy 14 (1), 015502-015502 (2024)


9)     A Comprehensive Guide to Bifacial Perovskite Solar Cells: Simulation and Optimization

N. K. Sinha, D.S. Ghosh, A. Khare

Advanced Theory and Simulations 7 (1), 2300633, (2024)


10)  Widely tunable room-temperature green-pumped continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator from the red to mid-infrared

Kavita Devi and M. Ebrahim-Zadeh 

Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 40, 1960-1967 (2023).

11)  Application of Sentinel-1 SAR-derived vegetation descriptors for soil moisture retrieval and plant height prediction during the wheat growth cycle

Rucha Dave, Koushik Saha, Amit Kushwaha, Dharmendra Kumar Pandey, Manisha Vitthalpura, Nidhin P., Abishek M.,

International Journal of Remote Sensing, 44, 786-801, (2023)


12)  Analysing the potential of polarimetric decomposition parameters of Sentinel-1 dual-pol SAR data for estimation of rice crop biophysical parameters

Rucha Dave, Koushik Saha, Amit Kushwaha, Manisha Vitthalpura, Nidhin P., Abishek M.,

Journal of Agrometeorology, 25(1), 105-112, (2023)



13)  Hole and electron transport materials: A review on recent progress in organic charge transport materials for efficient, stable, and scalable perovskite solar cells

B.G. Krishna, D.S. Ghosh, S. Tiwari

Chemistry of Inorganic Materials, 100026 (2023)


14)  Ellipsometric studies of CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite thin film on different underlayers and its effect on photovoltaic device performance

A. Kumar, S. Rani, D.S. Ghosh 

Optical Materials 145, 114409 (2023)


15)  Understanding optical and structural properties of the CH3NH3PbI3 nanocrystal thin films under humidity conditions

B.G. Krishna, D.S. Ghosh, S. Tiwari

Optical Materials 142, 114115 (2023)


16)  Oxide–metal–oxide based transparent electrodes and their potential application in semitransparent perovskite solar cells‐optical modeling studies

A. Kumar, S. Rani, D.S. Ghosh

Solar RRL 7 (7), 2200863 (2023)


17)  Assessment of rice crop biophysical parameters using Sentinel-1 C-band SAR data

Amit Kushwaha, Rucha Dave, Koushik Saha, Gaurav Kumar and Armugha Khan, 

Advances in Space Research, 70, 3833, (2022)


18)  Optical designing of perovskite solar cells

A. Kumar, S. Rani, D.S. Ghosh 

IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 12 (2), 595-601 (2022)


19)  Sensitivity Analysis Of Crop Biophysical Parameters Using Multi-Temporal Dual-Polarization Sentinel-1 C-Band SAR Data

Rucha Dave, Amit Kushwaha, Koushik Saha, Dharmendra Kumar Pandey, Manisha Vitthalpura, Deepak Putrevu and Arundhati Misra,

IEEE Xplore Conference Proceedings, IEEE International India Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (InGARSS),214-217 (2021). 


20)  Gravitational lensing signature of matter distribution around black hole 

Harsha Miriam Reji and Mandar Patil

Physical Review D 101, 64051 (2020).

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.064051

21)  Extremal Kerr white holes as a source of ultra high energy particles

Mandar Patil and Tomohiro Harada, 

Phys. Rev. D 102, 024002 (2020)


22)  Fragmentation kinematics of SF6 upon photo-excitation of S(2p) core shell and subsequent Auger decays

K Saha, A Pandey, S B Banerjee and B Bapat

Chemical Physics Letters 739, 137038 (2020).



23)  Ion-ion collision-induced evaporative cooling of atomic and molecular ions by autoresonance in an electrostatic ion beam trap

Heber, R K Gangwar, K Saha, M L Rappaport and D Zajfman

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1412, 122003 (2020)


24)  Quantum correlations in periodically driven spin chains: Revivals and steady-state properties

Utkarsh Mishra, R. Prabhu, and Debraj Rakshit

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 491, 165546 (2019).



25)  Multiply-imaged Transient Events in Cluster Lenses
D. Narasimha

Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, Proceedings of the First Belgo-Indian Network for Astronomy & Astrophysics (BINA) workshop, 2018BSRSL 87, 334N (2018).

26)  On the length of the year after Varahamihira's PanchaSiddhantika

D. Narasimha 

Growth & Development of Astronomy & Astrophysics in India and Asia-Pacific Region Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, Vol 54, ISBN 978-981-13-3644-7. Hindustan Book Agency 2018 and Springer Nature Singapore, p247 (2018).


27)  Relativistic inverse Compton scattering of photons from the early universe

S. Malu, A. Datta, S. Colafrancesco, P. Marchegiani, R. Subrahmanyan, D. Narasimha, and M.H. Wieringa

Science Reports 7, 16918 (2017).